Note: Fractions may not be view-able if using a mobile device.
Click here to download the Small Round Bag Pattern (pdf).
Print in portrait mode, and verify the 1" square on the printed copy is truly 1".
Tips for sewing round bottoms into bags:
- Mark your seam allowance on the circle with a pencil so that you can verify that you aren't deviating off course.
- Mark the quarters of your bag and the side of your bag, and then check to make sure those marks line up when you are sewing.
- Use a magnetic seam guide, or mark the needle plate of your sewing machine with a piece of tape, to help see the seam allowance when you are sewing.
- When at the sewing machine, place the side of the bag on the bottom (against the feed dogs) with the right side facing up. Place the circle with right-side facing down.
- When sewing, hold the with your right hand. Use your left hand to ease the circle so that the edges of both pieces of fabric line up at the seam allowance. Hold the circle at least 1/2” in from the edge to prevent bias stretching.
- Stop sewing with your needle in the down position, lift your foot, and ease the fabric when needed to keep circle stitching smooth and to prevent puckering.
- You could also use pins to hold the side of your bag to your circle on the quarters or eights.